Love Addiction &

My name is Susan Peabody and I am a writer and counselor. My goal is to help people feel better about themselves and about life. I specialize in helping men and women heal from their codependency and love addiction, but I also guide anyone who wants to have a happy, healthy, and satisfying relationship. No matter how old you get, there is always a brighter tomorrow. This is a promise . . . .

For the sake of convenience, everything on this message board has been transferred to my message board. As of 2024, I will no longer be updating this website. The message board includes everything you need to know about recovery and feeling better. Here is the link.


Susan's Writings

Love Addiction Podcast
Jessica Kastoun

Video Interview

Radio Interview

Adult Children & Parents

Teenage Love Addicts
Course Material for Educators

12 Step Prayers

Tales of Women Survivors: The Hungry Heart
Susan's Story of Love Addiction

Letters of Recommendation

Contacting Susan



Recomended Sites

Surviving Withdrawal Workbook

Articles by Jim Hall

Breaking Free from Love Addiction

Fantasy Attachment

Brighter TomorrowI highly recommends the following websites.

Earn a GED Online at Excel High School




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