I Write

do I write about recovery? I write because I love to teach. I only
wish the woman I am today could reach back in time and teach the
young woman I was. I would try to help her see what is so clear
to me now. That change is important. That there is nothing to be
afraid of. That dreams come true if we change: That it is never
too late to change, and the sooner we get started, the easier it
is to adjust to the changes we make. Most of all, that we are not
alone as we make these changes. There are what Joseph Campbell calls
“invisible hands,” which come to our aid when we are
ready to change
following e-mail came to me on October 20, 2003. It was addressed
to my publisher. Writers can wait a lifetime to hear something like
"I thought you might like to hear a quick story about your
online article, "Would You Like to Get Well?" by Susan
have a 57-year-old friend who has spent her whole adult life fighting
schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder and numerous physical problems.
This summer she was going downhill so fast both physically and emotionally
we feared we would have to put her in managed care. She has a high
IQ and has her degree in psychology but neither her education or
her therapists or psychiatrists could help her.
gave her a copy of the article. She read it and realized she was
afraid to get well. She spent some time thinking about it and decided
she had nothing to lose. She made the decision to get well and has
made such amazing progress none of her therapists or doctors can
believe it.
story is too long to tell here but I wanted you and Susan to know
what an impact her article made and how instrumental it was in Janet's
decision to change her life and get well. She has begun attending
Vallejo Drive Church and wants to become a member. She wants to
go back to school and become a hospital chaplain. Thanks to you
and Susan for helping to save her life."
You Want to Get Well?

at you and what you did. Ultimately you listened to your calling.
I am proud of you. I learned so much and maybe the most essential
part of me, which rose in me after your teachings, is that I am
the best i can be in the time I am. Of course I can be better but
its good to be me, and I can be proud. With that knowledge, I can
fuel my self love and not need a mirror around me to confirm what
and who I am.
I love you dearest
and thank you for the gift you have given me. I will pass it on
with pride to my brother and others.
Your teachings
will be saving many people and are a contribution to mankind. I
am so proud and grateful to have met you, shared great time and